onsdag, november 15, 2006

Spådd via Shuffle.

Har hängt ganska mycket på last.fm på sistone. En riktigt bra musikcommunity om man letar efter ny musik att lyssna på.
Nu ett litet test som jag stulit från Issie som stulit från Mia som säkert stulit från någon annan, tjuvar är vi allihopa.
Vissa förutsägningar stämmer, andra är mest roliga, resten är bara konstiga, precis som man kan förvänta sig av ett test baserat på, tja, slumpen.

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn?t make sense.

Will it be ok?
Daisy - LPD - "Daisy gave us daisies on a daily basis, that's so nice!"

How are you feeling today?
Norrmalmstorgsdramat del 1 - P3-dokumentär - Woot?

How do your friends see you?

Burnt with water - Skinny Puppy - "Behaviour!"

Will you get married?

Mein herz macht bum - DAF - Haha!

What is your best friend?s theme song?

Ein leichtes leises Säuseln - Einstürzende Neubauten

What is the story of your life?

Cellar Heat - Skinny Puppy - Introlåten till Puppys sämsta skiva. =)

What was high school like?

Downsizer - Skinny Puppy - Live-versionen dessutom

How can you get ahead in life?

Cinder Alley - 16 Horsepower - "Here comes the sinneeeeeeeeeeer"

What is the best thing about your friends?

That's what Jazz is to me - Nick Cave

What is tonight going to be like?

The reason why - Ladytron

What is in store for the remainder of this weekend?

Myrkur - Sigur Rós

What song describes you?

Grundstück - Einstürzende Neubauten

To describe your grandparents?

Replicant - Covenant - Tror inte morfar hade hållit med om det.

How is your life going?

Lovely Creature - Nick Cave - "With her hair full of ribbons and green gloves on her hands"

What song will they play at your funeral?

The Garden - Einstürzende Neubauten - "You will find me if you want me in the garden, unless it's pouring down with rain"

How does the world see you?

Gong Endir - Sigur Rós

Will you have a happy life?

One for the pearl moon - LPD - "I slept here, as the grass grew around my head. Undisturbed though pilgrims called my name."

What do your friends really think of you?

Sklang - cEvin kEy - Komplex glitchmusik, sprak och gnissel

Do people secretly lust after you?

Tupelo - Nick Cave - "Women at their windows, rain crashing on the panes"

How can I make myself happy?
Rainy night in Soho - Nick Cave - "And i stepped into your arms, on a rainy night in Soho"

What should you do with your life?

Little empty boats - Nick Cave - "Your knowledge is impressive, and your argument is good"

Will you ever have children?

The Plasma Twins - LPD -
"And I'll meet you at the blood bank. They could pump you into me... It's only fair because you know I like pumping into you."

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